Be Prepared

Tips For a Rewarding Eyewear Purchasing Experience
Wouldn’t it be nice, if every time you go shopping the salesperson knew everything you liked and every unique thing about you? This would make your shopping experience delightful and everything you purchased a perfect fit.
In our dispensary we get to know our patients and their particular needs, but every once in a while we help someone we do not know. Your time is valuable, and we certainly want to get things right the first time around! You shouldn’t have to return saying you have to dip your head to see at distance, or tilt your head to go up stairs. Sharing information is the most important thing you can do. It is our job to try and get useful information before we measure, fit or adjust your eyewear. However, here are a few things that help us make your glasses work best for you:
- Maintain a natural posture while we take measurements.
- Hold your head naturally—this is especially important if you are very tall, or very small.
- Let us know what your primary visual needs are. A long-haul truck driver may primarily use his distance vision, while a jeweler may spend most of her time doing extremely close work. If you work on a computer 8 hours a day, you may benefit from an occupational lens that works best for intermediate distances (24-48 inches).
- Some occupations, for example pilots, plumbers and musicians, may benefit from special lens designs.
- Athletes, construction personnel and craftsmen may benefit from lens materials that are more impact-resistant. Let us know how your lifestyle may affect our lens choice.
- Please, let us know if you have had any prior negative experiences with your eyewear, such as
- Lenses which are thicker than you would like.
- Lenses which cracked.
- Frames which were too heavy or otherwise uncomfortable.
- Frames which irritated your nose or ears. Frames which broke too easily. If a progressive or multifocal, how was your experience? Did you have sufficient distant, intermediate and near vision?
- Did you feel as though your eyewear caused headaches?
- Have you ever experienced double vision.
- Have you felt that your vision was different between several pairs of glasses?
- Frames which slid down your nose, or didn’t fit properly.
- Color-changing lenses that didn’t live up to your expectations
It is important that you bring your old eyewear with you, especially if you have experienced any issues so that we can examine them. Some lenses also give us important information. For instance, progressive lenses all come with laser engravings that tell us what brand, design and material your lenses are.
We want to make your eyewear purchase experience a good one. We really want your next visit to be for your next pair, or to drop in to say hello! Having all the information that we can makes this process much easier, so do yourself a favor and help us help you!